anybody else feel like they're parenting alone???

I love my daughter with everything i am and i feel so lucky to get to call her mine. I wish her father felt the same. My bf does not spend more than 1.5 hrs a day with our daughter. If he is with her he will put her down anywhere so he can watch tv or play video games. On the weekends he does not hang out with us. We both work and he says he cant help with nightly feedings cus he works the next day. 
Mind you i work everyday and i bring her with me (im blessed for that opportunity) and still when i get home he is not inclined to spend time with her!!! Im 100% exhausted and drained mentally. I want so much more from but cant seem to get thru to him. I really am on the verge of a breakdown. Today i got home fed her cleaned the kitchen and the mess he left in the living room and still scrubbed the bathtub and toilet before i even sat down . To just get back up and set up her diaper for the next day and her bottles for nightly feedings. In need of something.. feeling hopeless .😔😔😩