bf probs

So me and my boyfriend just starting dating... well again this is our second time dating it's been a few years since we broke up we've talk ever since we broke up and we decided to give it another try I love him with all my heart but lately it just doesn't feel like his heart is into it anymore and he went to a party with his friends and got high and drunk.... ended up telling this girl that he wanted to fuck her. I didn't know at first until like 3 days later her he just gave me his phone and told me to look he said he didn't know how to tell me cause he was really pissed at himself and didn't know how to tell me also after we talked a lot about it and I just don't know what to do About that I don't wanna break up with him cause I really do love him but I'm scared he doesn't love me anymore, also his friends don't like me and I'm nervous they are telling him to break up with me or telling him other things not true about me.