My birth story

So I was set to be induced at 6am on 3/7/17. I go to the hospital and because I was gbs positive I had to get 2 rounds of antibiotics before they could break my water. At 10am I was checked and I was at 3 cm my doc went and broke my water and I got an epidural so I didn't scare my husband. My dialation was stalled at a 4 til about 1210pm and the nurse had me in a sitting position on the bed. After 15 mins I went from a 4 to 10 cm dialated and ready to push. I pushed 6 times and my little man was born at 1235 pm on 3/7/17 weighing 6lbs 14oz and 19.5 inches long. I had no tearing or stitches. I was so scared about actually being induced and boy was he made he had to come out a few days early. My son has a banshee scream from hell and he gets it from his dad lol.