3/7/17The day I will never forget

The day I will never forget. 
The day before I had came to the hospital at 6 pm to begin softening my cervix for induction that would take place the next day. I started laboring around 12 that night, was having regular contractions and was dilated about 1.5. Once morning came I started pitocin at 8 and by 9 I was having peaked contractions. things seemed to get 100 % worse from there. I went through over 6 hours of back labor without an epidural. It finally came to a point where my body would not stop shaking extremely violently every time one would happen so I finally got the epidural. Although it couldn't cover up all the pain of the back labor I felt so much better. They broke my water at 2. Got my epidural by 4 and was 4 cm dilated. I fell asleep until 5 woke up to contractions. When I woke up my doctor came back to check and I was a 9 cm dilated with baby at a +2! He told me she would be here within the hour and after two more contractions I began to push. Pushing lasted 30  only 30 minutes, during the last few pushes they realized 1 her cord was around her neck and 2 she had only one shoulder coming out because of how she was laying in the womb. So during my last 2 pushes I had a bunch of nurses pushing my stomach down and out came my perfect Iris Rain. She was laid on me and began crying the sweetest little cry I had ever heard. After only 5 minutes of them looking at her they told me she was perfect. 7 pounds 10 oz, 19 inches long, born at 6:01. Just the most perfect baby. We had skin to skin for about 5 hours after and I fed her (she had a perfect latch! What a natural!) I don't think I could've been more in love and neither could her daddy. She is perfect and we are going home today! Can't wait to cuddle with her and show her what life is about. My perfect, Iris Rain Selvey ❤️