I've been trying for a little over two years with a miscarriage in January 2016

I've been trying for a little over two years with a miscarriage in January 2016. After that it's been harder every month with Af. It broke my heart each time. Then I went and got a fertility massage in December 2016 and didn't try for that month. Then in January we only managed to BD on O day so we kind of missed it. Feb 27th, Af didn't show up so I tested and it was BFN 😔 then 16dpo BFN again. I got discouraged and busy and managed to test again yesterday at 24dpo and it was a BFP💖💞 🎊
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Congrats happy healthy 9 months ❤️


Tima • Mar 9, 2017
Thank you ☺