I need to vent

I'm sooooo furious with my husband. I don't know if it's because I'm close to my period, and I'm always extremely emotional, or what but I'm on the edge of telling him I'm having no more children with him. Since day one of us talking he has talked about having kids of his own, and how he couldn't wait to have one of his own. It what attracted me to him the most. Now that we have a son together you would THINK he wouldn't mind pitching in to help. But nooooo. Even watching him while I go to the store annoys him. During the week he works almost 12 hours. I understand he's tired when he comes home and wants to relax but I am also tired. I wake up every 3-4 hours to feed and change our son. I also do the chores around the house. I also cook dinner as soon as he gets home. When he gets home I give him our son to watch while I get a few minutes to myself to either sleep, or get a shower. I also give our son to him so I cook dinner. When our son starts to fuss he gets frustrated and shoves a binky into his mouth to get him to stop crying, which half the time our son doesn't want the binky in his mouth and spits it back out. My husband always wants him to sleep when he's watching him so when our son is wide awake he shoves the binky into his mouth and tells him to go to sleep then my husband proceeds to play his damn video games. I think our son is constantly getting fussy with my husband because 1. My husband never really pays attention to him. And 2. He keeps shoving the binky into his mouth when he doesn't want it. I've told my husband multiple times that when he's awake to play with him, to interact with him, and he never does. Every time I leave our son with him my husband either puts him on the couch seat next to him (with a pillow next to him) he puts him on the floor, or he has him in his lap forcing him to keep the binky in his mouth by laying him against his stomach. I'm getting so frustrated with how he's taking care of our son. He also watches him during the weekend while I catch up on some sleep I lost during the week. (I sleep maybe 5 hours, and I'm awake the rest of the day) and he seriously complains about watching him. Recently we have talked about me going to visit my mom, and he wasn't able to go because he's going on an underway( he's in the Navy) but we heard he might also not be going. I asked him if he didn't go what would he do without us for two weeks, and his response? "I will get some peace and quiet." My heart like broke after hearing him say that... then tonight our son was extremely fussy, and my husband was sleeping. I started to get extremely frustrated, so I layed our son down on the bed, and walked out of the room to get a few minutes to calm down. Well I hear my husband say " are you fucken kidding me?" Well excuse me for needing a few minutes to myself or I don't know what I would have done to my son. I never want to hurt my son so he can bet his ass I would let him cry while I get a few minutes to recollect myself. And of course he can't "help" because he's "so tired" like I'm not? I was recently hanging out with a friend whose also a new mom and all she did was boost about how her husband takes care of their son every night while she gets sleep, and how he takes care of him when she needs a few minutes to herself, and I was jealous because why can't my husband do that? Last time I checked it takes TWO to make a baby not ONE. So tomorrow I'm telling him off as soon as he gets home. And I'm telling him as of right now he's not getting ANY SEX from me! I'm putting my foot down once and for all! If he can't help with our son the only thing HE WILL BE GETTING is a damn hot meal at the end of the day. If he wants sex he can go to the bar down the street and find some tail.  And i will also be telling him I am done having children with him because when I decided to have children with him I figured HE WOULD be HELPING. He's just lucky I'm not leaving his ass! 
(Again everyone I think I'm extremely hormonal or something because I haven't been this pissed off in a long time, even when I was pregnant. I am 9 weeks pp, and I'm pretty sure my period will be coming in a few days...)