Ways to Induce Labor - ICP

Hi All!

I know, I know. When will this question stop being asked? Well, I'm hoping someone out there has some different advice from what I've already learned and/or tried.

With permission from my doctor, I was able to start red raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil at 26 weeks, as I did with my first. My doctor agrees that these only help labor move along if your body is ready for labor, but mostly feels they're advantages to help during labor.

I'm currently 35 weeks and just tested positive for ICP.

It's something I never heard of before, but I've learned of Its complications and now know I have to be induced with the next week and a half (The baby being born a few weeks early is said to be safer than carrying the baby full term with ICP and risking still birth and hemorrhaging).

I was induced with my 1st child and it was a horrible experience. I would love to give my body a head start without pitocin. Besides the tea and oil, I've tried pineapple and castor oil which did absolutely nothing. Oh, and sex.

Does anyone have advice to help my body along a little more natural than the pitocin?

Thank you in advance!