Ex bitching about daycare costs

My ex and I are in the middle of splitting everything and he's BEYOND mad he has to pay child support in addition to splitting daycare costs for the days we both work. UMMM wtf do you think was going to happen. He tries to tell me he doesn't have to pay and I should stay part time. A)You now have no control over my life and you don't pay the rest of my bills. B) Splitting them is the fairest way and im being extra nice especially since you make more than I do. What do you think I did all day? This was the reason we had agreed while we were together for me to stay home because it was expensive, don't bitch at me now that you see the ramifications on your paycheck. Sorry you thought I sat on my ass when I was home. You wanna bitch about bills watch out for 12m of back bills for my services, laundry child care, food preparation, running errands, dr visits and everything else. Don't test me MF I will get super crazy write everything down and "bill" you for it. Please, he's sitting there talking about he won't be able to "live" after that bullshit you are paying an extra 400$ don't talk to me about shit cuz I don't see you stepping up to help cover more of your son when you know I have a daughter that I have to pay a grand for in child care by myself.