Just booked a getaway weekend!

I am so excited! Just booked a getaway weekend for just me and hubby in Gatlinburg!! We are staying at a cabin in the mountains just the 2 of us! We have not been on an actual vacation just us ever really. We had 1 weekend getaway to Cincinnati (we live in ohio) when we first got together. It was nice but wouldn't really consider it a vacation. We sooo need this!! We are feeling a little guilty we are not taking our 2 year old... but at the same time I know if we did she'd end up sleeping with us the whole time and we would not get the alone time we so desperately need. She will be staying with family while we are gone, and to be honest I'm worried if she will sleep ok for them. I really hope she is good and we can have a relaxing vacation. On another note I realized I will be due for my period while we are there. Thank goodness for hot tubs!! Lol