drama, hormones or justified

Long dramatic post sorry... i do not get along with my sisters. My one sister back in high school slept with an ex-boyfriend of mine so I haven't spoken to her in 10 years I don't just blame her I blame him too and while I'm over it I just don't trust her to be family and involved with my life. It kind a let me see her character and I don't want that around my family.  My other sister got really really crappy drunk one day and called my husband an alcoholic and a bad father so we had to kick her out of the house due to how ridiculous she got and she literally broke my door. She started screaming at him that he was so fucked up because he was adopted totally out of nowhere caught us all by surprise but not something that you can come back from very easy still never apologized this happened three years ago. My third sister threw a fit and my sons birthday party last year and was completely embarrassing wreck and things that she should have a say in the raising of my kids meanwhile she is 19 self entitled Bitch  and she is quite possibly the rudest human I've ever seen I definitely don't want her around my kids...
So now my daughter is having a birthday party (6years old) and I will be 37 weeks... they will all be in town )rarely ever happens... because they are leaving to Denmark the day after party. Now I've invited my mother and father as well as the middle sister who was a drunk ass because honestly she was drunk and before that a great aunt though shitty sister but it's about my kids not me... is it royally fucked up not to invite the third sister? She is so rude and treats everyone like garbage  I don't have any intention of allowing her to be an influence on my kids and she's unpredictable! Sister#1 no one would even expect me to invite because we've literally disowned each other years ago and when her fiancé started attacking my mother I nearly drowned him in a pool defending her so that ship sailed long ago! My mom thinks I should invite number 3 but the idea makes my skin crawl!