I need advice please...

One week ago I got my very first ever BFP, after 15 months of trying.  Sunday I had some light cramping, but nothing major. Monday I started having brown spotting/light bleeding....it never really turned red, but it was enough that it made me panic.  I had my first bloodwork on Monday, and Tuesday found out that my HCG was only 39 and my progesterone was low at 6.1, so they started me on a progesterone supplement.  Wednesday I had followup bloodwork, and on Thursday my doctor informed that my progesterone had increased, but my HCG only went up to 42.  We had barely 48 hours between blood draws, and the spotting has since stopped entirely. I'm still experiencing on and off nausea, extreme fatigue, and sore beasts.  My doctor advised that I stop taking the progesterone and see what my body does, but she expects this will be an early failed pregnancy.  I'm supposed to have more bloodwork done on Tuesday, I guess my question is would it be stupid for me to keep hoping? Or is this as hopeless as my doctor suggested? Does this sound like a for sure chemical pregnancy? I'm so disappointed 😔