Breast is Best Propaganda...

Tay ❤️
This is a tough story to read but I wanted to share it because I think it's important.
This is the story of little boy who passed away because he starved while exclusively breastfeeding as his mother was not producing enough milk. Please read it fully before you comment.
I'm not here to put unnecessary fears into anyone's head. God knows we have enough worry for our babies already. But we're bombarded with "breast is best" sentiments constantly and sometimes it takes a toll. The mother in the story above felt so compelled to exclusively breastfeed that it cost her sons life.
I have personally been through hell trying to exclusively breast feed. I know most of you ladies know the struggle all too well. I can't count how many times I cried through a whole feeding, either in intense pain or just exhaustion and frustration. Despite that, I had managed to exclusively breast feed my daughter for 3 months. The first week I felt like I was out of the woods and so happy with how far I had come, I got the flu. I went from producing 5 ounces a feeding to 1.5 ounces after 40 minutes of pumping. I was devasted to say the least. And I had sworn off formula so strictly that I had never thought about which brand I would use and that maybe I should have some for emergencies. My daughter cannot have dairy so I held a screaming, hungry baby for what felt like hours while my husband stopped at 4 stores looking for non dairy formula. And of course I cried when it was given to her. I felt like I was poisoning her. I had a 104 degree fever, I felt so sick and yet I still felt like a terrible mom and that I didn't try hard enough. 
I know this is a huge debate topic but I think we need to cool it on the breast is best propaganda. Hell, I was guilty of telling mothers that while I was pregnant. But I quickly learned that unless you've tried to breastfeed you have no idea how hard it can be and you have no business telling another mama how to keep her baby healthy. 
So this is my rant for the day. Because no one should feel guilty about giving their baby the nutrients they need to grow up happy and healthy.