I need help finding the perfect gift!! SERIOUSLY HELP

Teri • wife...mother...stepmon...business owner... trying to stay sane while doing it all!
My stepdaughter will be turning 5 in April and I want to do something extremely special for her Birthday not just toys... She is actually more like my very own daughter me and her dad have raised her by ourselves since she was 18 months old. Her birth mom has not been in her life or seen her at all in 2 years( since he got full custody 2 years ago she stopped all contact i could strangle her but i believe GOD gave her to me for a reason) anywho she knows me as her mommy and she is most definitely my daughter in and out she's a part of my family and I love her so much. Her dad works out of town from January to April so she's been a huge help with the baby who is 5 months old. She does well in preschool she is smart funny and such a joy to have she helps me clean runs her bath at night cleans her own room makes her bed helps me with dinner she's well behaved and respectful. I have to pat myself on the back for that!! Lol I need suggestions on a gift that would express to her how much I love her and how grateful I am for everything she does and what she means to me!! HELP