I went to the doctor and discussed how much pain I have been in. At my job I stand all day and walk alot. I am a supervisor and end up missing breaks and lunches. My pelvic bone HURTS extremely bad. My tailbone hurts as well. I now have pressure on my pelvis. It comes and goes like he is pushing down. He is head down but i am not dilated. I just feel like my pelvis is trying to rip in half!! I have 40 days to go and i am done. The braxton hicks contractions I have been having on top of this pain is too much. If this is a look into what my labor is going to feel like I dont wanna. I just want to blink and him be out. Apparently I have Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction. And I would say I hope no one else has this. I really do. He prescribed vicodin to take for the pain and it makes me nauseated. :*( Mostly I am just venting about my pain. My friends and family look at me like Im over exaggerating but I have a normally high pain tolerance and this has me on my ass.