Best friend ditched me for a guy...400+ miles away!

So one of my best friends has recently hooked up (again) with a guy who lives 400+ miles away! They started dating almost a year and a half ago, he broke it off, and she was depressed for months! As a friend/sister, I watched her cry and listened to her talk nonstop about him for MONTHS. Now, let me put this out there: they have NEVER met face to face. They found each other online and FaceTime/skype/text constantly! It was perfectly fine...up until they started talking again after the breakup. That was kind of my fault too. He started messaging me telling me how he missed their friendship more than their relationship. I encouraged him to reach out to her (because she was devastated by the breakup and I had hoped maybe they could talk through this and get closure...because he literally just broke it off without an explanation). Of course things hit back off, and they were an item again. I was happy for her, up until it got to the point that I heard about him. Every. Stinking. Day. Please don't take that as me not wanting to listen to her brag about her man (I completely get that) BUT HE'S BROUGHT UP INTO EVERY CONVERSATION! It's like we can't even talk about something random without his name being mentioned. We've even had arguments about it, to the point I feel she holds him to a higher standard than me. In all honesty, it makes it hard to be around her sometimes. I'll openly admit that I'm jealous of the dude, but it feels more like a loyalty thing. Thoughts?