My SO and I have been together for four years and everything is going well. He recently mentioned to me that his buddies invited him to go to Redneck Heaven which is like a Hooters but from what I've heard, really bad. Of course I do not like the idea of him going and there being half naked girls walking and touching on him. I've never been and don't want to go, the reviews pretty much sums it up for me. I of course don't encourage him to go or to not go, all I say is "think about it from my perspective". And today I guess he snapped and said "well that's getting old. I don't like that I have to tell my friends 'oh let me ask my gf if she wants to go or if she'll let me'". I was of course shocked and speechless bc I never prohibit him anything but am I wrong for feeling angry that he wants to join his buddies for a couple of beers at THAT location? He also said that if he goes it's just for his friends and not for the girls bc he respects me. He's been loyal since day 1 and he trusts me completely and so do I. But am I just overreacting? Or will guys be guys? My main concern is the slimy hands of the other girls. (Look up Redneck Heaven in Texas reviews on Yelp and you'll see what I'm talking about).