I wanna tell people about

Miranda • Mommy to five beauties 😘
My after birth story and If I have the right to be mad like I am. 
Well I'm not going into details but my son was born not breathing. He was stuck and came out blue. They got him breathing But once I had him they took him away to make sure everything was ok, they fed him a bottle his sugars were low. 
Well it took a very long time for me to be stitched up and cleaned up, I had 200+ stitches internally. Well I finally got wheeled to my new room (after yelling at the one nurse for her saying I can WALK) and I get to the room and there was 13 people in there all already held my baby BEFORE I DID. They touched my newborn before I got to. He was passed around by everyone, and I was the last one. I was very hurt, I didn't have my time to bond. I would have been ok if it was just my fiancé but it was everyone. :(  I feel like I was robbed of my special time