Gender Stereotypes

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I saw this post just now and was reading through the comments and was just in awe at some of them. People so against their son dressing like a girl. It's shocking.

I was sitting here thinking, and realized something.

You won't allow your son to dress like a girl, but most of you would probably let your girl dress like a boy if she wanted to. The jeans, tennis shoes, T-shirt...rather than skirts and glitter.

Why is that? A female character in a book or movie who is trying to prove she can do what a man can is congratulated, but if the roles were reversed, the male character would be considered confused for wanting to do things that society says is only for girls.

I can leave my house in my husband's sweats and his T-shirt, and I won't have anyone question it. But if my husband were to leave in my clothes, he would be belittled for it.

It's pretty hypocritical I think. To believe one is ok, but not the other.

**If this doesn't make sense I apologize I'm tired but wanted to type this before I went to sleep**