
Hello my name is Arlescia. Since forever I wanted to be a mom, so in 2009/2010 me and my boyfriend started trying. I took five urine test and five blood test and it still came out negative. I wasn't coming on my cycle, I was just sleeping a lot. The doctors couldn't tell us nothing until I was almost five months along. Our daughter was born Sept1, 2010. Then years go by and we want to have another baby and I was on the pill during this time so I stopped the pill and we start trying and boom me and my fiance was told at 3 weeks I was pregnant with our son and was born Jun 26,2014. So now we are trying for our third or third and fourth and according to these apps I'm 4 weeks along since the first day of my last was Feb 13th.I took one this morning and it came back negative. I don't if it's me and this crazy body of mine or the test or what. But I do know that I'm starting to feel less like a woman with trying to conceive.