Don't know what to think

I don't know what to think. Me and my husband have been together for a while. I love him and he acts like he loves me. He goes to work and we BD like every night. Nothing has changed. Him and I both have a password on our phones but we can still get into each others phones. Well last night he got home from work and I randomly grabbed his phone and looked threw it. There was a message to one of his coworkers asking her for a hug and a kiss​ cause she wasn't messaging him back. Obviously I got upset and confronted him. He kept telling me it was a joke. I don't believe it was. Well he told me after a while of us fighting that he would take care of it. I didn't believe he would. So I messaged her from his phone and told her that I was his wife and we don't need people like her (home wreckers) in our life so please to not message him anymore. Well she comes back with telling me how my husband can't stand me. How he hugs and kisses on her at work while I'm on the phone with him. How much of a bitch I am. Then tells me she knows where we live because he told her. He said that is all a lie. He did vent a little bit but never said he couldn't stand me. He did tell her he loves me. And he also said he was around her one time when we talked on his break at work but she left the room. He denied having ANY inapropriate contact with her. And did admit that she gave him a ride home from work one time. I know I shouldn't have messaged but even then I told her that she is nothing but a side chick. She said she wasn't and never would be. I laughed and told her that even IF what she is saying is true. I'm married to him and she wasn't which makes her the side chick. Then I ended the convo with letting her know that he is MY HUSBAND and will remain that way. Then she acted like she was giving me him. Told me I can have him cause she don't want him. I laughed cause like he already is mine I'm married to him. I know everyone says that once a cheater always a cheater, but is there anything good that can come out of this. Is there anyway we can work this out. I need kind words not comments telling me to leave him or that he's lying to me. Thank you for reading.