Finding Someone

I'm so frustrated. So just found out that someone I liked and have been waiting to ask me out now has a girlfriend. He showed interest in me and I even asked him to go get coffee one time which he said yes to but we never went because he was too busy. Then I started seeing someone and he was surprised by that but I wasn't gonna wait forever. But now that my relationship is over I hear he started dating someone else (she has my name 😳) It seems it won't ever be the right time. So I want to move on from hoping one day we will have our chance. But it seems no one is ever interested in me. I try with makeup and doing my hair everyday and looking presentable for the most part. Aside from online dating (which I tried and was a bust) how do people meet each other. I mean bars are not my thing as I rarely drink and I feel like I would end up with a boozer (online date guy was a total boozer and disgusting).
So what's a great place to meet people and how did you meet your S/O?