Bv hurting my baby!

So around 15 weeks I went to the Hopistal   and found out I had bv due to clear and green flakey discharge. I was prescribed flagyl twice a day for 7 days. Then around 16 weeks I go back to the doctor and find out I still have bv and was perscibed flagyl 3 times a day for 7 days. At my 18 week appointment just to check I find out I still have bv and finally I was prescribed some clindamycin cream for 7 days. So hopefully this will work! 
I am now 19 weeks and 3 days. 
My question is, is there a big chance that my uterus has an infection now since I've had bv back to back even though I've tried treating it?!! I'm really scared of hurting my baby and sending myself into preterm labor.
P.S sorry for the long story.
Concerned first time pregnant woman. 
BV: Bacterial Vagionis