Advice please!!!😔

Nothing negative plz just in need of venting/helpful advice... long post! I posted awhile ago if you would take your 7 month old on a car trip from NY to Florida for a wedding. I didn't plan on taking baby to the actual wedding but thought it could turn to be a family vacation. Well, I sought out advice from family and they felt that it would not be enjoyable for me because SO would be out with his friends and I would mostly be stuck in the hotel room with baby. I talked to him about it and he told me no that he would only go out one night before the wedding, but his friends are all into alcohol n drugs and I started dreading the thought of going. I do not want baby around his father when he's going to be engaging in that activity. On a side note we really can't afford to go.. the total expenses would be about $1200. Hubby recently gambled a bunch of money and lost it so we keep being behind on bills. I told him if he was saving that money we could have easily went. Well I pretty much told him it's a bad idea for either of us to go, and we can't. He didn't  seem bothered( this was 2 weeks ago) .. I then brought it up again because it's in April, I found it off he wasn't upset and he like laughed at me! He thinks his friend( the groom) will buy him a plane ticket and that he's still going, and by himself at that! I think it's totally different wrong to ask his friend to buy him a plane ticket too. How would you feel??? I feel pretty hurt. It's not like I don't want him to be at his friends wedding and have a good time, it's mostly about the money and how unfair it is that I can't go because of his behavior around alcohol, and bad ways with money: Just looking for some advice/words of encouragement how to deal with this.😭