Should I call my doctor??

I'm 34 weeks 4 days pregnant. I was in the hospital Friday Saturday and Sunday for preterm labor. They had me procardia to stop it, but the baby stopped moving (he was okay though) so the doctor took me off it. I ever since I've been off I've been having Braxton hicks. But last night I started getting sluggish and dizzy. And then very very nauseous. I woke up this morning feeling better, but then the same thing happened. Now I'm having lower back pain and a lot of pressure in my crotch. And on and off contracrions (I think) they might still be Braxton hicks. But ny dilemma here is that I'm in the northeast and we are currently all snowed it, it's a state of emergency. So should I call and get to the hospital while I feel like this, just in case? Or wait?