funny mommy brain moment

If all of you want a laugh today, this may give you one. So I went to the gas station on my way to work yesterday and while the gas was pumping I went inside to buy chocolate milk bc I was super craving chocolate. While I was inside my mom called so I walked out and was talking to her on the phone and got in my car and drove off to go to work. When I get to work I'm about to hang up and walk in when I notice something weird. There is a gas pump hose hanging out of my car! I drove off without taking it out of my car and instead of falling out of my gas tank, my car took the whole hose!!! Whoops! So I call the gas station to tell them and I said I was in a hurry I was late for work and they said I could bring it on my lunch break. So here I am on lunch break bringing the hose back and I'm of course super embarrassed and tell the lady at the counter who then yells across the store to her friend "Hey I found our gas pump theif!" And the whole store is full of people who are now all laughing at me while I awkwardly stand there apologizing and blaming it on mommy brain. Then they start obsessing over my bump and how "adorable" I am (they're older ladies and I'm a young 20 year old FTM). Needless to say I don't think I can ever go back to that gas station anymore 😂