stop telling pregnant women, "it's just going to get worse."

Ugh. I'm 21 weeks into growing a human. I'm not sleeping well. I'm working full-time and doing everything at home. Not that that's extra special but I think it would be understandable that I'm tired. So when people keep telling me I look tired and "it just gets worse in your 3rs trimester and after you have the baby" it really irritates me. Maybe just because its happened like 3 times today. But - no shit shirlock. I would expect that I would be exhausted caring for a newborn 🙄 that doesn't mean I'm not tired now. And I wasn't even complaining about it - just random comments from coworkers. And it's not just about being tired - being sore or achy, less clothes fitting, everything you could possibly say when pregnant someone just says "it gets worse." Thanks 😒