He is here!

Nicole • 26 years old | Ashton 3.15.17 💙 | Kiara 3.7.18 💖
I'm in labor guys! 10 days before my due date. Just got the epidural at 4cm and will be checked again in a few hours. I'll post with any updates as soon as possible! Thanks to all those who have helped me along this journey! 💙 
Update: I'm fully dilated and will start pushing at 6am just to give baby a little more time to get further down the birth canal. Only a few more hours until I'm a mom! 🙌🏻 wishing you all the best in your deliveries as well.
Update: Ashton was born at 6:30am on 3-15-17 weighing 6lbs12oz and measuring 19.5 inches! I didn't tear and everything went smoothly :)