How long did you wait??

How long after having your first baby did you start trying for your second?? My hubby and I are already considering TTC and our baby girl is 3 months old.  We know it's fast but I loved being pregnant. There are a lot of factors that are pushing us to go ahead and start trying again.  My husband is 11 years older than me and he wants to be able to watch the kids grow up (don't freak he is not over 40 😂)  also I am lucky enough to have really good insurance through my mom until I'm 26 (Aubree only cost us about 300 in doctor bills through the whole pregnancy and deliver) and we are also wanting about 4 kids.  I am also a full time stay at home mom so missing work is not a problem. 
I have not started my period yet so it makes <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> impossible.  I did order some ovulation test and pregnancy test online, I am also going to start taking temp everyday.   
I'm just really cerious if there is any other moms out there that wants kids so close??