Anyone else expecting their AF 3/26? (Also some questions and maybe a little tmi)

So it says 11 days till my AF arrives but I've been feeling really really really nauseous and emotional lately and I have this weird taste in my mouth. I have taken a test and got a bfn plus I don't even think it would be possible for me to be pregnant right now or at least not being feeling any symptoms, the boyfriend and I had sex during my fertile window and before and after because lets face it we are young and we like to fuck, the fertile window only ended Monday but I've been feeling sick for the past 3 days now which I'm having a hard time trying to pin point why, I doubt its pregnancy Bc although we have lots of sex, its way too soon to have any symptoms and if it was pregnancy I'd have to be much farther along to be feeling this way now, which is impossible bc I got my AF last month. She was a couple days late& lighter and shorter than usual but too much blood to be spotting and I had like one blood cot so I knew I wasn't pregnant then so there's no way I can be right now, right? Which brings me to question #2 of this means I've come down with a sickness, could this affect the chances of an embryo growing inside me right now? Or rather will being sick affect my fertility right now because we had sex during ovulation and I seem to show all promising signs of being able to get pregnant from that week, so will being sick now affect it?