new mommy!

So my mom has recently been asking me if I want her in the room with me when I give labor. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with it. My due date is not till sept. 22 so I have time to figure it out but she's just really demanding, and likes things to go her way and she likes to be in on everything and know every little detail and I'm worried that if I let her go back there with me,she will just make it so much harder on me and a lot more stressful. We dont really get along a lot because she tells me I'm a "smart ass" or a "bitch" every time I talk to her and I won't the day I give birth to actually be about me and my baby, not her. The only person I won't back there is my fiancé,the father to my baby. Am I wrong for telling her no or is it up to me and only me? I feel bad for not letting her but it is my body, my baby. Advice please ladies!!