Unwelcomed criticism


Long rant ahead!

I recently got some unwelcomed criticism from one of my mommy friends. My daughter is 8 weeks old, and her son is 5 weeks old. We we're talking about how they had been sleeping at night. She let's her son sleep in bed with her and her husband, I told her that my husband and I already have our daughter sleeping in her crib. She immediately said "That's outrageous, I would never let my son be without his parents while he is sleeping! How could you let her lay there and cry. She needs her parents to be close to her, so she knows she is loved! My son will be sleeping with us until he is at least a year and a half old." I was extremely taken back by this! I was angry at the time. I told her that my daughter is very very loved and she knows she is. We never ever let her lay there and cry, as soon as we hear her on the monitor we are right by her side. We are there for her when she falls asleep, and there when she wakes up. So she is not "without her parents." I changed the subject after I spoke my peace. Later on after I put my daughter to bed, I had felt like I wasn't doing something right with my parenting. Should she not be sleeping in the crib? Should she be with us in our room? It's crazy to me how quick some of us are to judge. We are all mommys! We should be building each other up, not tearing eachother down. I would never say anything to another mom about her parenting styles, because we are all different! Our children are all different. What works for some may not work for others. And at the end of the day who am I to leave another mom second guessing her choices and decisions she has made with HER child! Is it too early for my daughter to be in her crib? Has anyone else been in a situation like this?