Had my induction scheduled for Saturday but little guy had other ideas

Had my induction scheduled for Saturday but little guy had other ideas! Tuesday night/ early morning I woke up with cramps and feeling sick. Got up and sat with my husband on the couch, complaining I couldn't get up because I was in pain. He helped me stand up and next thing I knew my water broke! I drove myself to the hospital (because I wasn't 100% sure my water really broke) as to not wake up our 18 month old. Got to the hospital at 2:20. (Water broke at 1:15). Got changed into the hospital gown. Asked for the epidural at 5:30 got it put in by 6:00. But! Only one damn side worked! I could feel EVERYTHING!! And I am a wimp for pain! I was crying and screaming "ow"! My next contraction I pushed twice and there was my sweet boy. Born at 7:07 am! I am so in love with him!