Best Day of My Life


I woke up early Sunday morning March 5th, the day after my due date, with contractions. They weren't super regular so I went back to sleep. They were still going when we got up so I knew that my boy would be coming soon. My husband and I ran to the store to grab some things that we didn't have yet. Despite my feeling that I would be having the baby soon, my husband left at noon for work.

We live with my mil, so I had to deal with her constantly asking me how I was feeling and what was happening and did we need to call my husband to take me to the hospital. Around 3, the contractions started to die down so I took a nap until 5:30. When I woke up, the contractions had stopped completely, much to my dismay.

When my husband got back home at 6:30, the contractions had started back at 6 mins apart and I was getting excited again. My husband decided to go to bed around 9 and I let him sleep until 11 when it was getting hard to breath through the pain. They were now consistent 3 mins apart. My husband called the hospital and woke up his mother.

It was 1 am when we arrived and I did my best to answer the questions of the admissions process while having contractions 2 mins apart. They wheeled me to my room and started setting things up. The nurses decided to skip the urine sample and hooked me straight up to the antibiotics and the fetal monitor. When they checked me I was 5cm and 80% effaced. Around 3 am, I finally decided to get the epidural. I was now 6cm still 80%.

The anesthesiologist had to go in twice with the epidural but once I was hooked up, I was in heaven. I managed to nap through the contractions until almost 7am when I got the urge to push.

The doctor arrived at 7:02 and my son was out at 7:17 am Monday March 6th. The doctor let me catch him and my husband cut the umbilical cord. They let me hold him for about 45 mins before I told them they could wash and weigh him. He was 6lbs 7oz and 20 in long. I have never been so happy in my life.

We did have a scare, after they gave him back to me, he started nursing, then suddenly he turned blue and wasn't breathing. The nurses rushed him away and for about 10 mins I was more scared than I have ever been in my life. They kept him under observation until Tuesday afternoon just to be safe, but everything was ok. Now he's a healthy 10 day old who has a huge appetite.

I love my son more than I ever thought was possible! Sorry for the long post, and thanks to everyone who read our story.