My beautiful preemie baby girl.

Rayna • Emma cloud 2-26-17
Alright so on February 20th I was in the shower when I noticed blood on the shower floor. Now I can't feel below knees so my first thought was that I cut my foot on something I'm searching my legs then all of a sudden a blood clot falls to the ground. I jump out of the shower and tell my boyfriend and he stars freaking out. So of course we immediately go to the hospital. We get to the hospital and I start getting monitored. The doctor checks my cervix and says I'm 2cm dilated and 100% effaced. Now this is when it kinda gets blurry from me becuse I started freaking out. I knew there was a chance of early labor because of my short cervix but I was not prepared for any of this. I'm not not sure if I was contracting but they started me on magnesium and gave me a steroid shot for the baby's lungs. They then tell my I need to be flown to a different hospital becuse they don't have a nicu. The next day on the 21st I finally get flown to the other hospital. I get told I'm staying there until I go into labor. Im there for a few days everything is fine except this excruciating back pain. The doctor, nurses and I all chalked it up to my bad back (I have scoliosis and spina bifida) they tell me to go for at least 2 walks per day becuse that could help my back. These walks never helped nothing helped so I just delt with it. On the 25th at like 6pm they checked my vitals and my heart rate was skyrocketing. They checked the baby's heart rate and hers was skyrocketing also. They had me sign papers that we oking a csection if needed, but they were hoping I could have her naturally as long as her heart rate didn't get higher or drop. Then my ob wanted to start an iv run some fluids and see if that could calm our heart rates and it calmed hers but myn stayed very high. They told me they'd do an ekg on my heart the next day. On the 26th at about 9am the nurse came in I was awake didn't sleep all night becuse my back was still hurting. I asked for some Tylenol and told her the pains been wrapping around my side so she put the monitors on me and I was contracting. I guess I was contracting all night but just thought it was my back pain. She checked me and I was 4cm dilated. the doctor told me days ago that if I start going into labor that he's not going to stop it, so off to labor and delivery. I laid down for a few minutes and the nurse tells me I'm bleeding a lot. I was in so much pain I didn't even notice my pants were all wet. Which I later found out this happend becuse I had a placental abrupttion. So I changed then I labored for what felt like forever I couldn't get an epidural so they gave me a drug that I can't remember the name of. An hour later a nurse comes in all excited to give me more drugs but then my boyfriend says something to her that makes her check my cervix before giving me the drug and I was 10 cm. I moved from a 4 to a 10 in a little less then 3 hours. I pushed for 6 minutes. At 11:58AM    2 pounds 8 ounces 15 inches long Emma Cloud Whittington was born at 29 weeks and 6 days 
And today she's 2weeks old 3 pounds 4oz has no cpap or iv and is doing so well. Sorry this was so long!