Confused and scared

I had my IUD taken out Feb 2, lmp a few days later on Feb 5 (so I'm 5w1d). I started spotting March 7 and took the first test a few days later which was positive. I took another to make sure, also positive. Took a third two days later which was both positive and darker in color. Spotting stopped but then started again after my DH and I would have sex. This time it's dark red or sometimes light red/pink and lasts for a few hours but gets really light within a day or goes away all together. It is never heavy enough to soak a pad even after several hours. Right after we finish having sex it's enough to require a few wipes but after that it'll be the size of a quarter or less each hour. 
I went to PP today for an hcg test and they did a urine test first which came back negative. I came home thinking I must have had a very early miscarriage, took another test to see for myself and it was positive. I have HUGE tender breasts. On and off nausea. Very light cramps. No pain at all. Occasional boughts of exhaustion. I'm so confused. The woman at PP told me she had no answers. How can I have four at home tests be positive (one AFTER the negative clinic test) and have the clinic test be negative?! I'm trying not to freak out but that's easier said than done. I have a blood test scheduled for the morning. I just don't know what to think. This is my first and I have no clue what to expect. I just want our little nugget to be okay 😥