My long birth story


I have always read and listened everyone's birth story and now here is mine.

Before labour started i had 3 sweeps and nothing managed to work, i was so scared of being induced and prayed not to be. I did everything to start labour, raspberry leaf  tea, dates, walking up the stairs, long walks, birthing ball, hot showers but nothing seemed to work.

At my last MW visit 6 March she said not to stress as this will make my muscles very tense and not bring labour. So she advised to go home, have a nice bath and to drink a hot chocolate.

I went home and did what my MW said, nice hot bath but didnt drink hot chocolate, next morning 7 March feeling down as labour is not starting i remembered the hot chocolate, so i made one and drank. Believe it or not in the afternoon i had a trip to the WC and i sow am starting to lose my mucus plug slowly. That day each time i was losing the plug i was getting light cramps and lasted all night. 

The next morning  8 March all of my cramps had gone and there i was feeling sad thinking failed again no labour.

As the day went pass I thought " hang on let me have another hot chocolate" made my self a nice hot chocolate and couple of hours later while i was facetiming my sister something went GUSHH! 😮😮😮 i was t sure what it was so ended facetime and run to the loo. Yesss it was my water TMI my sister said to smell if it urine and noo it was clear and no smell it was my waters 😱😍😳😁🙄. Millions of emotions and thoughts running through my brain, i called the delivery suite and was told to come in. Called my husband from work and he was home in 15 mins. 

We was at the hospital 13:30pm, the MW checked and advised my waters had broke and was only 1 cm. they booked me  to be induced the next day at 12 noon and so we was sent home at 15:30pm.

 We went home thinking when will pain start, so in the meantime we prepared something to eat, my sister and mum had arrived. As time passed my contractions started, but they was so irregular every 5mins, 8mins, 20mins never knowing when the next contractions will begin. I had a lot of feelings that i need the loo, so had many trips to the toilet but actually its the baby putting pressure. 

Time was now 21:30 we went back to the hospital and was sent back again. Came home still in pain had a hot shower tried to sleep but now contractions was not letting me to sleep.

Time was now 2:30am and contractions started to get heavy and went back to the hospital, they kept me in as i was in so much pain and couldn't sleep and rest. I was given pethidine and fell asleep and woke up in the morning. Contractions was still irregular, around 2pm i went to the toilet and realised my waters colour had changed abit to yellow greeny colour, so i showed the MW and was advised baby had pooed abit. I was rushed into the delivery room and at this point contractions was getting much much stronger. After 2 hours of strong contractions i had just managed to get to 3cm which was disappointing 😞. I couldn't of had couped anymore so I requested and epidural. 

Believe it or not epidural was the best decision i had made, getting the epidural did not even hurt I didn't feel a thing, i had actually dosed off to sleep while getting it done 😂. Now i was in heaven relaxed no pain, so I decided to sleep for the next couple of hours. When i woke up they checked and i was still 3cm 😳😳😳 good thing i had got the epidural. I was then put on the hormonal drip and an hour later BANG my Midwife advised i was 10cm but had to wait another hour before pushing. I was over the moon, my husband mum sister was having jokes and laughing until I started to feel a headache and hot. My midwife advised it was time to push, so I pushed and pushed and was doing so well. I told my mum to put a cold towel on my head as i was feeling really hot and so my midwife took my temperature which was very high. 

As my waters had broke 24 hours ago and plus baby pooing a little i had caught an infection which caused high temperature, my midwife called the emergency doctors and the room was full of doctors, they advised i had to deliver the baby ASAP as we both was infected and babies heart rate was raising. 

The doctor carried out episiotomy which I didn't feel, within the next contraction I pushed so hard my baby was born with the help of foreceps 22:38pm. 

Hey that was a long labour, but not as i thought. 

I was lucky to be 10cm otherwise i would of had a emergency c section.

I was so scared and anxious having birth but at that moment you have to be brave and calm, somehow you get the strengh and power. Dont be scared be brave and listen very carefully to your doctors.

Trust me ladies its not hard as some explain and scare you, I didn't have a very traumatic birth maybe because i had the epidural but its a lifetime moment to remember.

Wishing the very best to all waiting for their angels arrival.