im upset

Why do people always have to make something innocent into something bad? I made a post saying that I THINK my 8 year old niece might have a little crush on my husband, all the ladies said it's normal for kids to have crushes. I know I did! When I was in middle school I had a huge crush on my math teacher, it wasn't anything dirty  I just thought he was cute, and he wasn't at fault because I had a crush on him. So then this lady comes and suggest that my husband might be talking to my niece in ways he shouldn't? Really? Talking about school and what you did in class is bad now? He asks her the same questions he asks our 6 year old daughter! And the only time he interacts with my niece is when he walks the girls (our 6 year old and her) home from the bus stop. Then she replies and tells me molestation and rape isn't a joke, and she said "what would YOU know about it?" And when I told her that I know the signs, and I'm someone who is always looking out for how adults interact with children because I was molested by my grandfather, she goes and deletes her post. It honestly makes me so upset when people make assumptions and or statements about other people's lives without knowing their story. Rant over. I made my post private for my own privacy, and me being molested by my grandfather, no one knows and everyone looked up to him, but there were obvious signs with him that the adults around me ignored. I tried telling my mother once and she said I was lying, so I never tried again.