birth control or tie tubes

I'll only 22 years old and this is my third pregnancy. All my children are pretty close in age. The oldest being four and my daughter being 8 months old and I'm currently 5 months pregnant. The all have the same father and we have our own place and have been together for 7 years. His mom keeps bugging me about tying my tubes and I'm just not for that. I feel like I'm still very young and I know that I may want more kids in the future, if it's financially possible. And I think that anything can happen and even though my BF and I have been together for so long doesn't mean we will be together forever. She was like 24,25 when she got her tubes tie because she had a boy and a girl and two of her sisters did the same thing. They are always asking me, do you like having all these kids, you like babies too much, blah blah blah. As long as they aren't pushing them out I don't see and issue and we can afford what we have so yeah. A woman I work with just turned 32,33 and she got her tubes tied early and she says she regrets it because she has been with her boyfriend for five years and he wants a baby and she can't give him one. She told me she wouldn't recommend it, especially since I'm so young.