Confused. Is this normal or should I pack my bags?

Last weekend I was in prodromal labor and dilated from nothing to a 3 in a couple hours then stalled. I've been on and off contractions since. However, the night before last I slept 11 hours! I woke up and felt amazing, for once. I cleaned the house, got dressed for real, went to my obgyn appointment, got a slushie from Sonic, made dinner. It was great. My husband and I finally had sex for the first time in weeks. I had a great day. BUT then last night was terrible. I couldnt sleep, I've had a migraine all day, I'm cramping, I have diarrhea, my body hurts so flippin bad, I'm so beyond naesous, I tried eating some soup and I feel like death. My lower back is absolutely killing me.

How could I go from great to terrible so quickly! Ugh!

I'm 37 weeks 3 days.

Do you think this is a sign that maybe something might be coming!?