Should I ask him or.. ?


Hey y'all so this May be a little lengthy but please bear with me (a little back story has to be included)

So I started seeing/talking to this guy last February. He lives about 2 hours away. We talk every single day and he use to come visit every couple weeks. The time between visits starting coming longer. But "due to work schedules and money". Understandable. Well I've had 100% trust in him. We never had "the talk" so to say but early on did say we were only seeing each other didn't want each other to see anyone else, etc. But never clear what we were. But relationship type stuff was clearly, even told the fact we really liked cared about each other. Well lately I started letting people get inside my head. His visits have be come further apart. And we didn't do holidays together (said couldn't afford). People have really got into my head with the distance thing. "You don't know what he's doing up there" "Of he cared he'd be here more" etc. So I've become crazy paranoid, that he doesn't care, there's someone else. I've questioned him a couple times.

The other weekend he was off a whole weekend (rarity) but did not come down, "hung out with friends" instead. Of course this upset me.

The other night I got a text that I thought was to the wrong person, which has happened a time or two and he always had an explantation. The other night it was to me, just something I forgot I asked about. Well I overreacted instantly. He replied..idk about this anymore. You constantly being paranoid and then me not getting to come as often is not fair to You. Well y'all I died, I love this guy (just never said it). Hes been the best guy EVER! He continued. I like what we have a lot and don't want to lose it. Maybe we can just be friends and continue to talk and me still come down and us just hang out. No feelings. Then said maybe "friends with benefits" absolutely nothing has to change, as long as we can do it without feelings because feelings = getting emotional.

So, idk what he really means. Is the "relationship" side over. Does he just want me to chill? Were we just friends with benefits to start with? I really want to ask where we stand. Like is there a relationship there but I just need to stop questioning. I'm scared asking is going to ruin it though? I'm fine keeping this. I don't want to lose him. we gotr over that and have kept talking like normal. Him coming next week. Is this just a step back in a relationship or this the end of anything between is?

Should I ask or just see where things go? What do y'all think about the situation??

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