would it be weird?

So this boy and I have been kind of dating for the last couple months. We talk everyday, we text, talk on the phone, Snapchat, hang out like 3 times a week. And we tell eachother things that we wouldn't tell anyone else. I know he's Ben trying to save up to go back to Texas, where he's from, we are in Utah, and yesterday he told me that he is going o go back home in 2 and a 1/2 weeks. He's going back because he needs heart surgery after what basically was a heart attack a month ago. And after the surgery, he was gonna move back to Tennessee and not come back to Utah. So I started thinking about for the week of his surgery, I was gonna fly down and spend the week with him while he is recovering. I was wondering if anyone of you lovely people was approached with both sides of this situation what would you do? Would you fly down and be with him and try to make it work, or would you not. And if you were him, would you appreciate someone coming down to be with you or would it be too weird? Cause I want to know if I should do it or not. Thanks so much!!