guy advice

Ok I don't want anyone having a go at me or anything negative. I just want some simple advice. I'll try and keep it as simple and short as possible. It's important you have the main details. 
I met a guy last year some time. He was so nice he messaged me and snappchattched everyday for 2-3 weeks until we starting hanginb out (having sex). I'm 17, he 18. He had also borrowed $30 off me and I never got it back. Over time he stopped messging me. Wouldn't look at the messages for days or anything. This went on for a little while and I got fed up and wrote a long rant msg to him before I deleted him. (Please note; the way he spoke to me and the things he said to me led for to believe he had feelings and might end up dating). Anyway, so one night about 2-3 months later. -about a month ago now. I messaged him and apologised for what I had said to him because some of it was a little harsh. He wrote back almost immediately and we talked, he apologised and admitted to "fucking me over". The way we talked went back to normal and we hung out again. Right after that he stopped talking to me again and snappchatting. It's been 2 weeks since we spoke and I haven't bothered messaging him anymore. I'm not sure what to do or what the hells going on. Do I seem stupid? I just feel used and worthless honestly. And it makes me so mad, when we started talking again we made plans to see a movie and I waited there for 2 hours. Because he "didn't set his alarm properly" and then neglected to tell me he wasn't going to come anymore. He almost stood me up the next day too. I want to cut him out of my life because this seems like such a weight down on me and I should derseeve better right? But I just keep thinking maybe he'll message back and he's just having a rough time? Opinions? Please no hate