anxiety! anyone else been through this?!

So, my husband recently applied for a job 2,000 miles away.. and immediately got a call back. Nailed the phone interview, and they are flying the both of us out there this next week for a formal interview! This job is once in a lifetime.. and would mean i wouldn't have to work and could go back to school to earn my masters degree once baby is six months old.... 
the kicker? 
The job would mean we would be moving a couple weeks after the birth of our baby. I would be all alone figuring out how to do this (it's our first baby) without the help of my mom... or anyone for that matter. 
Not to mention he stress of figuring out how to put our house for sale, by a house across the country, pack, and keep this a secret ad long as possible from my job, as I can not risk losing benefits due to being let go before my leave...
Has ANYONR else been through this before? I'm feeling incredibly anxious and would appreciate Ny comments or advice....
For those of you wondering my thoughts? I'm so excited and proud of my husband for the opportunity of getting his dream job. This would mean so much for our family financially... I'm torn just not having a support system outside of my husband (don't get me wrong he's amazing) There is just so much unknown and I'm already an anxious  person , especially with all of this happeneing within weeks of having our baby