seeing the specialist....and then

A little of my store I went to the specialist today as my OB thought my daughter was measuring small and they don't have the equipment to do all the test and ultrasounds that he thought was  needed. 
Anyways when I was done with the ultrasound and the doctor came in for my consolation he said that my daughter's legs and arms are measuring at 21 weeks but I had an early ultrasound at 6 weeks that proved the dating had been correct for my due date. He said it was very likely that she could have some sort of issues with her bones and I will no longer see my OB I will start seeing him. 
She is less then the 5th persenttile for growth. 
This makes me so nervous. Please please please if you know anyone who has had this or have or are going through this please let me know the out come good or bad. 
I need prayers please.