IUD vs Nexplanon

Hi ladies! I have a couple questions to ask. I have the mirena in currently and I've had it since August of last year. I have a huge concern with this mirena. I don't know if it's that my body is not reacting well to this device being in me but I keep having bv which bacterial vaginosis. It's so damn annoying and makes me feel so insecure. I've never had this before up until I got this iud placed. I used the pill for 5 years but it killed my sex drive so bad that I can honestly count on 2 hands how much sex I had with my fiance. I decided to get off the pill because I had kidney surgery and wanted to be off for a bit. Hence I got pregnant and had my son lol anywho. I have been taking flagyl every other month to kill this infection and it does but then it comes back again a couple weeks later. Have any of you ladies experienced this ??? I am leaving toward having it removed and getting the Nexplanon put in my arm. Also what is your experience with the Nexplanon? Period, sex drive and any other symptoms? Thanks guys.