Sick baby for the first time 😢

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

Took her temp about 3 hours ago. Normal with the forehead thermometer, 98.3 under the arm which I was always under the impression that you add a degree to so that makes it 99.3 which I didn't think was very high. She has been feeling warm but not like fever hot and her cheeks have been rosy. She has had normal diapers today.

Since her bath after taking her temp, she's been wanting to eat every 90 minutes. We had just gotten up to a fairly consistent 2.5 hours! But even before that she always went 2 hours at least. There is no consoling her except with milk when she has gotten upset today. Usually she will bounce in her chair or calm down when we walk around the house. Also seems like she's having a hard time napping today even though she looks exhausted.

She's been crying a cry that reminds me of when she had her shots last week 💔 checked her temp again, adjusted underarm was 99.1 so I finally broke down and gave her a dose of Tylenol. Tried to hold off bc I know it's not really recommended for under 3 months (she is 9 weeks) but I'm glad I caved bc she's feeling a lot better, she was even smiling! Looks like we're headed for a long night though..