Spotting again... thought I was done with this.

So I've been sick, I've only taken otc meds approved by my midwife. Coughing like crazy, which has given me quite the ab workout lol... but I woke up today and had some dark pink spotting a few tiny clots. I'm 15 Weeks on Friday and am basically watchful waiting to make sure things done get worse per midwife office. It has stopped but my back is hurting which could be from a multitude of things, including being in before for 12+ hours. I just thought I was done with the bleeding after 12 Weeks and am disappointed I'm not apparently. My next check up is Friday so that's good but I just want to make sure my bean is still ok now 😕 I hate not feeling preggo and not able to feel the baby move yet anyway... sorry needed to get it out. Any other Momma's been through this after 1st trimester?