Low amniotic fluid. pls help

Hi  I was diagnosed to have low amniotic fluid . At 20 weeks it was 10 and in the lower normal range. Doctor prescribed L arginine. I also increased my water intake. Despite that, the level started reducing quickly. Within the next seven weeks it stood at 4.7.. the doctor suggested bed rest,  amnio infusion and a couple of medicines for the next two weeks. In the first week it increased to 6. But in the following week, remained at 6.. pls give suggestions on how to increase amniotic fluid. Im now in the 30th week and doctor says a csection needs to be done anytime ( probably between week 34-36)if the amniotic fluid doesnt increase or atleast stays the same.. im worried abt the baby. pls help.pls give suggestions on how to increase amniotic fluid.