HELP! Maternity Leave!

Here's my situation:
I'm a teacher, and I'm due June 6th. School is done for the kids on June 9, and for the teachers on June 13. I put in a request for maternity leave starting May 30 (exactly one week before my due date). I would have 11 work days off (9 with kids, 2 teacher work days). I told my doctor this at my appointment yesterday and she said she will not sign off on FMLA for my taking off one week before my due date if there is no medical reason to do so. I do not have short term disability to cover this. 
I teach a class of 24 four-year-olds in the inner city at a very rough, high stress school. I'm on my feet a lot and already find myself sore and tired every day. The policy for my job is if you miss more than 2 days, you need a doctors note, which I can't get unless I go into labor early or have some kind of complication. I find it absolutely crazy that I am going to end up not being able to take ONE WEEK of leave, especially when I'm not taking any time off into next school year, which I could under FMLA. I'm so frustrated! Is this an issue for anyone else? What can I do?