When Do they let you stay in the hospital??


Ftm here...and I was wondering how far dilated you have to be to be admitted to the hospital..I hear some people are sent home at certain points but I'm not sure. Would it be because of inconsistent contractions...? I thought they considered 4/5cm active labor..? You can't walk around dilated at 4/5/6 can you 😂 Maybe it's stupid but like I said I don't know.

I had an appointment today and am 3cm dilated..Baby is super low as well, doctor was joking that if I sneezed he'd pop out..She had to move my cervix because it was behind his head 🙃 I laughed through the pain 😅😂

She said 6contractions in an hour then I should go in, or bleeding/less movement ,or water breaks... :T I hope it's soon, I'm almost 39weeks, I could barely get out of bed this morning.